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air france 法國航空公司。

An air france concorde took off from paris for new york shortly before the british airways jetliner left london as both companies resumed concorde passenger services . “ an englishman in new york 斯汀說: “協和飛機的速度是聲速的兩倍,坐在上面可以感到耳邊嗡嗡做響。

air freight

Other air services followed with air france flights from indochina , china national aviation corporation from guangzhou and shanghai and eurasia aviation corporation operating between hong kong and beijing . a letter delivered by the dorado with datestamp showing 24 march 1936 on its back 其后,各家航空公司相繼提供其他航空服務:從印度支那半島飛抵的法國航空公司航班;從廣州及上海飛抵的中國航空公司航班;以及往來香港與北京的歐亞航空公司( eurasiaaviationcorporation譯名)航班。

A town of southern uganda on lake victoria . at its airport in1976 israeli commando forces rescued most of the hostages held aboard an air france plane by palestinian hijackers . population , 21 , 289 恩德比烏干達南部城市,位于維多利亞湖畔。 1976年在其機場,以色列突擊隊救出了被巴勒斯坦人劫持的法航班機上的大多數人質。人口21 , 289

On the evening of september 14 , air france celebrated the 40th anniversary of its paris - shanghai service and its long - established presence in china at the moca caf , shanghai museum of contemporary art 2006年9月14日傍晚時分,法國航空公司在坐落于上海人民公園內的當代藝術館舉行了法航上海巴黎航線開通40周年的慶祝酒會。

He expects $ 2 . 50 per minute to be the norm when services based on his firm ' s technology are launched by air france , ryanair , bmi and tap portugal 喬治庫珀希望法國航空公司,瑞安,英倫和tap葡萄牙航空公司在開始提供這項基于其公司技術的服務時,能以每分鐘2 . 5美元作為一個標準。

An air france concorde took off from paris for new york shortly before the british airways jetliner left london as both companies resumed concorde passenger services . “ an englishman in new york 斯汀說: “協和飛機的速度是聲速的兩倍,坐在上面可以感到耳邊嗡嗡做響。

European carriers including lufthansa and air france cancelled flights to london and farther - flung air new zealand warned of delays 包括德國漢莎航空公司和法國航空在內的歐洲的航空公司取消了飛往倫敦的航班,新西蘭航空公司甚至警告延遲。

The airline became the market leader in europe at the beginning of may following air france ' s takeover of klm , the dutch flag carrier 法航在5月初并購了荷蘭旗艦航空公司荷蘭皇家航空公司( klm ) ,自此成為歐洲航空市場的領軍企業。

But the french state still has extensive holdings in industrial companies , ranging from carmaker renault to france telecom and air france 但是,法國政府仍然有著廣泛控股的工業公司,象雷諾汽車,法國電信和法國航空公司。

Air france - klm and delta air lines agree a transatlantic alliance which they say will offer more choice and value for passengers 法航klm和三角洲空氣行同意,他們說的一個橫渡大西洋的同盟將提出更精選的和乘客的價值。

S : this is the air france reservation section . i ' m calling about your reservation on flight af899 to paris at 23 : 00 tomorrow 銷售:這里是法航預訂部。是關于您預訂的明天晚上11點af899航班的事情。

This is the air france reservation section . i ' m calling about your reservation on flight af899 to paris at 23 : 00 tomorrow 銷售:這里是法航預訂部。是關于您預訂的明天晚上11點af899航班的事情。

Air france is donating its fleet of five concorde ' s to museums after the last flights later this year 在今年晚些時候進行最后幾次飛行后,法國航空公司將把五架協合式飛機捐獻給博物館。

22 october , china telecom and air france signed in beijing the telecommunications service cooperation agreement 10月22日中國電信集團與法國航空公司在北京簽署了電信業務服務合作協議。

Caller : i would like to book a flight to paris on january 8 on air france , first class and roundtrip 我要預訂一張法航元月八號飛往巴黎的航班,要頭等艙帶返程的機票。

Eleven hours out of paris , the air france plane let down into rio de janeiro 法國航空公司的飛機在飛離巴黎11個小時之后,在里約熱內盧減速下降。

I would like to book a flight to paris on july 9th on air france , first class and round trip 我想訂一張7月9日飛往巴黎的法航頭等艙往返機票。

Brewster is saying that nationalized foreign carriers , like air france . . 布魯斯特的觀點是象法航那樣的國有航空公司

Brewster is saying that nationaiized foreign carriers , iike air france . . 布魯斯特的觀點是象法航那樣的國有航空公司